Letting Guide & Conditions

To obtain a Booking Form and Lettings Policy please contact or ask for one at reception.

Underlying Principles

  • The community centre will only be let in line with the constitutional objectives set out in the Thenue Communiteis constitution and in line with our policies and procedures. 
  • The board of directors and centre staff will actively seek to promote and provide use by local groups and organisations and will at all times aim to take only bookings that have an obvious benefit to the local community. 
  • Priority will be given to not for profit community groups, bringing benefits to the local community
  • Activities organised, funded or supported by the board and which promote activities for children/young people, activities for older people, health, participation, education and social activity will be given priority 
  • Charges will be fair and proportionate and shall reflect the commitment of the management to access for all. They will also reflect the necessity for the centre to operate within a balanced budget.
  • We will not discriminate on grounds of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, spiritual beliefs, or age. 
  • We have a wish and an obligation to be 'good citizens' and we retain the right to not accept bookings for, or to terminate an agreement with, any hirer that in our view puts our good name at risk.

How to Book 

  1. Requests for a let must be made in writing using the let application form which can be obtained electronically or directly from the reception office.
  2. Bookings will be held provisionally for a period of two weeks by which time full payment must be made to secure the booking
  3. All bookings, with the exception of long term lets, must be paid in full no less than two weeks in advance of your let.
  4. Thenue Communities does not accept cash payments. Payment may be made by credit/debit card at the reception office or cash payments can be made at the BCD Credit Union using your booking reference number. Please speak to a member of staff if using this option.
  5. Additional requirements must be requested at the time of booking. Unless permission is granted a let does not include the use of centre equipment, storage or use of the kitchen.
  6. All regular lets will be reviewed each year and the time or room allocated may be altered by the board to accommodate a group of higher priority.

Pricing Categories

  1. Community
    • Private Groups/individuals will be eligible to book the centre for private functions under this rate
    • Local funded organisations are eligible under this rate
  2. Voluntary Sector
    • Groups who receive substantial funding and who come from out with the area are eligible under this rate
    • Groups/Organisations that contribute to the area by providing a needed/desired service are eligible under this rate
  3. Commercial
    • Where individuals/groups or businesses wish to use the centre for personal gain or profit. Applications will only be considered where accommodation is available.



 Please contact for a full price list.


Terms & Conditions

  • Access to the premises will only be permitted at the time shown on the booking confirmation (includes setting up/down) and lessees must be clear of the premises by the finishing time shown on the booking form. Any additional use of the premises either before or after the confirmed times will incur additional charges (if premises are not vacated by the designated time on application form a  minimum charge of 1 hour @ the relevant rate per hour will be charged
  • Person In Charge: The person named on the booking form as the person in charge must be in attendance for the duration of the let and must be over 25 years of age
  • Ratios ; where the centre has been booked for an event involving children/young people under 18 years of age a ratio of 1 adult to 8 young people must be adhered to at all times. It is the responsibility of the lessee to ensure that all statutory requirements are adhered to.
  • Accounts; payment for occasional use of either centre must be received in full 14 days prior to an event taking place. Longer term lets will be invoiced and should be settled within 30 days.
  • Smoking :There will be no smoking anywhere on the premises and smokers must be 5 metres from the building entrances if smoking outside
  • Catering: Food should only be prepared on the premises with the prior approval of the Centre Manager. Strict conditions apply which will be advised at time of booking.
    By booking a let with us you accept full responsibility for all foods you bring onto the premises and will ensure compliance with Health & Hygiene codes of practice.
  • Alcohol: The consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited except for approved events either organised by the board of directors or where it is a licenced event. No licensed event will be approved if other users are in the building at the same time. The lessee will be expected to comply with the conditions of the license.
  •  Damage: Any damage to the property or equipment will be the sole responsibility of the person named as person in charge on the letting application. Notification of any damage should be made to centre staff immediately. Charges may be levied at the discretion of the board
  • Accidents: In the event of an accident it is your responsibility to ensure that the injured person receives appropriate medical attention and that there is adequate supervision of other members of the group. All accidents should be recorded in the accident report book obtained from the Centre Manager or the Facilities Officers.
  • First Aid: a first aid box can be obtained from the reception office.
  • Health and Safety: Fire exits must be kept clear at all times. It is the responsibility of the lessee to ensure that an accurate tally of the numbers attending is kept in the event of a fire drill or emergency and to advise members of the fire safety procedures. Copy of procedures will be included in confirmation of let.
  • Child Protection: any group or individual working with children/young people must ensure the protection of children and young people throughout the let.
  • Risk Assessment: It is the responsibility of the lessee to carry out risk assessments in relation to the activities they provide within the CHLC
  • Cancellation: To cancel or amend a let 5 working days’ notice must be given .The full letting charge will be incurred if the required notice is not given. The Centre, should they need to cancel your let, will endeavour to give more than 1 weeks’ notice should for any reason your let need to be cancelled. Cancellations of bookings paid in advance such as licenced events and family functions require a minimum of two weeks’ notice before a refund will be considered (except in exceptional circumstances where a refund will be at the discretion of the Centre Manager). Cancellation fees will be applied at a rate of 20% of the overall booking or a £20 minimum fee (whichever is highest).
  • Storage and cleaning: The use of storage or equipment is prohibited unless permission is specifically granted. Rooms must be left as they are found with furniture and equipment returned. Litter must be removed and tables cleaned if necessary
  • Lets for Martial Arts/contact Sports: will be granted only to bona fide organisations recognised by the Scottish board of Control for Karate or the Martial Arts Commission
  • Equipment: it is the lessees responsibility to ensure that any equipment that is brought onto the premises meets current safety legislation
  • Lost Property: The committee does not accept responsibility for the loss of property belonging to users
  • Decorations: The use of blue-tack or cello-tape on the centre walls is strictly forbidden.
  • Age restrictions: The CHLC will not accept bookings for 18th birthday parties. All children under the age of 18 years must vacate the premises by 10pm at the latest during licenced functions.

It is the responsibility of the person booking the let to convey the conditions of let to all individuals participating in or attending the event. Any contravention of these conditions or code of conduct may result in the lessee being asked to leave and the event being stopped. 

Code of Conduct 

  1. Those attending any event within the centre must at all times comply with any instructions given by Centre staff in relation to health, safety or security matters
  2. Individuals must not cause offence and are required at all times to be considerate and respectful towards others. Offensive or intimidating language or behaviour should not be used.
  3. All individuals involved in centre lets are required to act in a way that is compliant with the law
  4. Individuals attending the centre must not be under the influence of alcohol. The consumption of alcohol is strictly limited to licensed events.
  5. Noise level must be kept at a level so as not to interfere with other activities in the centre